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Take part in our monthly challenges – made for BUSY moms! Join the challenge TODAY!

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Fit Mom Challenge: Empowering You to Embrace Health and Strength!

Are you a superwoman who juggles countless responsibilities while putting your own health on the back burner? Do you dream of achieving a stronger, fitter version of yourself while setting an inspiring example for your loved ones? Look no further – our Monthly Fit Mom Challenge is tailor-made for you!

Unleash The Power Within You: A Challenge Designed By Moms For Moms

At the Fit Mom Club, we understand the unique journey of motherhood and the challenges it brings. That's why we've crafted a transformative experience exclusively for moms like you. 

Our Monthly Fit Mom Challenge is not just a workout program; it's a supportive community of like-minded women coming together to celebrate health, strength, and personal growth.

Why Join Our Fit Mom Challenge?

1. Achieve Your Fitness Goals: Whether you want to increase strength, shed those extra pounds, or simply boost your energy levels, our tailored workouts will help you reach your fitness milestones.


2. Supportive Community: You don't have to go on this journey alone. Connect with fellow moms, share experiences, and uplift one another throughout the challenge.


3. Expert Guidance: Our certified fitness trainers understand the needs of busy moms. You'll receive professional guidance and personalized workouts suitable for your fitness level.


4. Accountability & Motivation: We'll keep you motivated every step of the way! With daily challenges, progress tracking, and a supportive community, you'll stay committed to your goals.

5. Wellness Beyond Fitness: Our Fit Mom Challenge encompasses overall well-being. Discover nutrition tips, self-care practices, and strategies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Take the First Step – Register Today!

Are you ready to embrace the fit, strong, and confident mom within you? Don't wait another day to prioritize your health and well-being! Join our Monthly Fit Mom Challenge and embark on a life-changing journey with other empowering moms.


Click the "Register Now" button below to secure your spot in the challenge. Spaces are limited, so act fast!


Empower yourself, inspire others, and let's conquer the Fit Mom Challenge together. We can't wait to welcome you into our vibrant community!

Challenge Details

It's going to be an amazing 21-day run!


The challenge runs from September 6th to September 29th, so here are the rules of engagement:

​⭐In this unique challenge, we invite you to embark on a 30-minute journey while carrying weights of your choice. What sets this adventure apart is that you won't be judged solely on your physical prowess but on your creativity and unwavering commitment.

🚶‍♂️🌟 Let Your Imagination Roam: During your walk, let your imagination run wild! How can you make this ordinary activity extraordinary? You're not just carrying weights; you're carrying the weight of your creativity too. Imagine you're on a quest to discover a hidden treasure or you're part of an elite training squad preparing for a secret mission. The possibilities are endless!

💪💡 Commit to the Challenge: Your dedication is what truly counts. Commit to this 30-minute adventure wholeheartedly. It's not just about lifting weights; it's about lifting your spirits and embracing the challenge with enthusiasm. Whether you're carrying traditional dumbbells, a backpack filled with books, or even a symbolic object of personal significance, your commitment is the key.

🎉 The Judging Criteria: At the end of your daily 30-minute journey, you'll be evaluated based on two criteria:

  1. Creativity: How creatively did you incorporate your weights into your walk? Did you tell a story through your actions, or did you surprise us with your innovative approach?

  2. Commitment: Were you fully engaged and committed to the challenge from start to finish? Did you maintain your enthusiasm and determination throughout the entire challenge?


Remember, it's not about who carries the heaviest weights; it's about who carries the most creativity and commitment. So, lace up your shoes, grab your weights, and embark on this one-of-a-kind adventure. Show us what you're made of and leave us in awe of your imaginative and unwavering spirit! 🌟🚶‍♀️💪🌟



  • Warm up before each workout to prevent injury.

  • Maintain proper form and technique during exercises.

  • Listen to your body; if you experience pain or discomfort, rest or consult a healthcare professional.

  • Stay hydrated and follow a balanced diet to support your progress.


At the end of this one-month Arm Challenge, take a moment to celebrate your achievements and consider continuing your arm-strengthening journey with additional challenges or workouts. Your hard work will pay off in the form of stronger, more defined arms!

The Rules

1. Consistency: Commit to performing a 30-minute walk daily with weights. Sunday is rest and recovery (no walking and lifting ladies). Trust us, your dedication will yield fantastic results!


2. Form Matters: While we're encouraging you to push yourself, remember to prioritize proper form during each squat to prevent any potential injuries.


3. Support & Encouragement: Let's uplift one another! Engage with fellow participants, share your progress, and provide words of encouragement along the way. 


You must post & tag EVERY video with hashtag #fitmomarmchallenge.


4. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body's signals. If you need to take a break or modify the challenge to suit your needs, that's perfectly okay. Your well-being comes first.

Meet The Judge


Tanya Perrone

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